Month: June 2016

Prof.Doc. 2016 (fictional reality. check.)

Viva exams and the final show. Over. List of works: Hail (oil on canvas, 200x298cm), It’s a true story (multimedia installation)

Hail. Digital video (2015) Part of the Prof.Doc.Showcase

Hail from Veronica Shimanovskaya on Vimeo.

Every movement, and every gesture, every drop of paint, and every flicker of light were processed in the acute sense of awareness, that after Winnicott I call apperception, and I hope that this will bring a response in my viewer: experience of the roundness of the ping pong balls pyramid perpetually collapsing, (Anything Can Happen Behind The Close Doors, 2014) that reveals a mutability of balance; the fish coming for a breath of air (Fish, 2015) tells a story of serendipity in life; Transformations (2014), and Emergence (2015) are tales of the encounter with circumstances that are beyond one’s control.